Thursday 22 November 2012


A family is a collective body of people who come from the same home at some point,this would start from perents to children and then to other generations of siblings'
for example brothers and sisters having children of their own' family can also stretch to extended family where the original family can brothers and sisters of their own also ! this creates uncles,aunties,nieces,nephews,and cousins
Some familys are what you call close nit and get on very well with each other "but" some familys can have strained relationships where they can find it difficult to communicate with each other.
Usually familys have a "head" or bread winner who attempts to lead there family through life and passing on their own experiences of life to their kids as they learned from their own perents themselves! this can be done by the dad or the mum or even by both heads.
All familys are different when it comes to lifstyle' some familys can be fun and outgoing where other familys can be a little boring or very private.
My familys means the world to me 1 although i do not have the best relationship with my mum this is due to jeolousy from her part towards my dad as i was very close to him even after they split up nearly 15 years ago.
I have 3 sisters who i treat as my own daughters despite thre ages ' as me and my brothers felt the need to take over the dad role when my dad wasn't around, 2 of my sisters have kids of there own but we still see our sisters as young kids overall wich does their heads in but we do have a fantastic relationship anyway,
My closest relationships are with my 3 older brothers who i see nearly everyday1 we spend alot of time with each over having some good old banter and the accasional joke on each over to, but in all they are my rock next to my dad !
My dad was the bread winner in the family before he was asked to leave but even then he still provided for his kids ! I was very close to my dad who alsways told us there is nothing more inportant then family !
my dad passed away this year wich was deverstating to me and the rest of the family but he was a good dad who showed us family values and how to cope with life !
He is very much missed.
here is some images of my imidiate family with examples of who is who within the family and also my family tree.


my dog peppa

my daughter halle
my daughter leona

my mums dog duke

my step dad gaz

my older brother david

my younger sister paige

my mum

my older brother lee

my older brother ant

and my late dad x


family album

My inspiration for family portraits

In the history of photography Nixon’s ongoing series of family portraits The Brown Sisters 1975 is the best in the world. Beautifully structured and composed the photographs are nuanced and sensitive to the people portrayed and the passage of time. The subjects project and recede within the image frame, exposing vulnerability, intimacy and strength. Simply breathtaking!

“Themes such as the passage of time and the enduring nature of close family relationships are brought into focus in the exhibition Nicholas Nixon: Family Album  Among them are pictures of Nixon’s wife, Beverly (Bebe) Brown Nixon, and their two children, Clementine and Sam. Nicholas Nixon also includes The Brown Sisters, the ongoing annual series of portraits of Bebe and her sisters taken each summer for the past 35 years. Nixon will take another photograph of the sisters every year
Nicholas Nixon’s photographs of family are both personal in nature and have a universality with which observers can connect. These pictures, a number of which have never been publicly displayed, celebrate the bonds of close family relationships, especially as they grow over time. 

Born in Detroit in 1947, Nixon graduated from the University of Michigan in 1969 with a bachelor’s degree in English, and from the University of New Mexico in 1974 with a Masters of Fine Arts degree. Later that year, he moved to Boston, where he teaches at the Massachusetts College of Art and Design. Nixon is known for his documentary photography, especially city views and portraits rooted in the snapshot tradition. He works primarily in black and white, creating gelatin silver prints with a 8 x 10-inch view camera as did many of the great photographers who influenced him, including Alfred Stieglitz, Edward Weston, and Walker Evans. Working in large format and making contact prints enables him to create images of crisp detail and subtle tone. In recent years, Nixon has also begun to experiment with color, although the photographs in the exhibition are all black-and-white, for which he is best known. He is the recipient of three National Endowment for the Arts Fellowships and two Guggenheim Fellowships, and, in addition to the MFA, his work is included in numerous museum collections, among them, the Metropolitan Museum of Art and the Los Angeles County Museum of Art.
Here are some of nixons images below of his wife babe ,his kids and his wife's sisters over time !!!

note how he show the brown sisters getting older through the years ?

his wife babe taking a hot bath

nixons wife and daughter

brown sisters 1976

brown sisters 1978

brown sisters 1980

brown sisters 1996

brown sisters 1999


Monday 12 November 2012

Visual Recording


visual recording is a tool used for communicating !
I will be using different examples to explain my work and help show my understanding of different ways of expressing my creative ideas.


shapes are an area that's found in space in an image it can be defined by lines colour or even texture and also can be measured  in height or width.
we have shapes all round us everywhere we go so of these shapes are natural and some shapes are man made.
Shapes can be geometric for example square, circle, hexagon, etc.) or organic (such as the shape of a puddle, blob, leaf, 
Shapes are defined by other elements of art: Space, Line, Texture, Value, Color, Form.

here a some of my examples of shapes !

above is a natural shape .
below is a man made shape.

there are several types of shapes;

geometric shapes can be used to indicate solidity or rigidity.
organic shapes can be used to create a more relaxed and natural feeling
objective shapes are often used in the real world' referring to every day life

you can also get positive and negative shapes !

positive shapes help the viewer focus on the object and negative is the remainder of the image  wich is filled with other imagery.

here is an example...


Line is defined as a mark that spans a distance between two points taking any form along the way.
line pertains to the use of various marks, outlines and implied lines in artwork and design, most often used to define shape in two-dimensional work.

Implied line is the path that the viewer's eye takes as it follows shapes, colors, and form along a path, but may not be continuous or physically connected,
Line is an element of art that is simplest, most ancient, and most universal means for creating visual arts.

lines can be measured by length' width' and weight!lines can be long'short' thick' thin' dotted or solid and can be directional for example;

vertical lines                                                                horizontal

 diagonal lines 
                                                            curvilinear lines

here are some of my examples of the use of lines in images...

in this picasso picture abovethe artist uses curvilinear lines to create his image of the woman with a flower.
above is a strong use of vertical lines from trees.

 in the image above the use of a horizontal line is used to seperate the ground from the sky.

here is an image of how we sometimes can see diagonal lines in everyday life.



The texture is the quality of a surface, often corresponding to its tactile character, or what may be sensed by touch. Texture may be used, for example, in portraying fabrics. It can be explicitly rendered, or implied with other artistic elements such as lines, shading, and variation of color. It is also about the different patterns and types of lines,shading and colour 

you can use line to create depth and texture ! this is done by using dots close to each other or far apart this creates dark or light shading we call this "stippling"
cross hatching is also a good way to acheive this !!!

above is a fantastic example of cross hatching done on this image of john lennon....


Mass/Form may be created by the forming of two or more shapes or as three-dimensional shapes (cube, pyramid, sphere, cylinder,
It may be enhanced by tone, texture and color. Form is considered three-dimensional showing height, width and depth. 
Form is the external appearance of a clearly defined area. 

Here is a picture of an object i have taken a picture of wich gives the inpression of mass/form.

here are some examples of normal shapes that gives the sense of volume and mass !


Value, or tone, refers to the use of light and dark, shade and highlight, in an artwork or photograph
  Black-and-white photography depends entirely on value to define its subjects. Value is directly related to contrast. 

Value is the relative degree of lightness in the graphic work of art or painting.

here is an example of value scale of grays !!!

full value range means that there are very light areas, middle tones and very dark areas this is a way of giving an image contrast and volume.



Colour is a visual sensation resulting from a reflection of wave lengths of light from different surfaces,
the use of colour adds interest to the images or artwork
the primary colours are made up of red,yellow,blue these colours can't be made by mixing "but" can be mixed to make other colours.

here is a triadic colour wheel to help us understand the different colour range...

RED,YELLOW,and BLUE are the 3 main primary colours !

The 3 properties of colour are ?

  • HUE which is the colour name
  • VALUE which is the lightness and darkness of the colour
INTENSITY the saturation of colour,purity,chroma, and brightness or dullness

My name in natural form !



for this assignment we had to take self portraits using the different techniques shown above
have a look at some of my attempts...!!

portraits can be a photo a painting or a sculpture ! its a contract between the portrayer and the portraid
a portait can show a persons inner being if its done right by doing this it will show the subject as they are in that moment in time .
the use of expressions are a natural way of giving something to the artist to help him show other people what he see's

each portrait represents a story or a narrative, you can also have portraits done wich are a visual lie where images could have been set up .

i belive a good portrait should show ESSENCE this helps people to try and understand who and what we are and how people see us and sum us up visualy .


here is a self portrait of robert walker this painter was an English portrait painter, notable for his portraits of the "Lord Protector" Oliver Cromwell and other distinguished parliamentarians of the period.


 here are 2 images i taken of myself using a studio with soft lights
i set my camera on a tripod with only a 2 second timer on my camera this was to help me get a more natural look and stopped me spending to much time posing and thinking about what the image should be like.

below i merged the two images above to create one image i did this using photoshop and layering my images over each over !
i also made my images black and white as this gives a nice calming feel.

on this image i was trying to show that there is two sides to every person
a good side and a bad side !!!

 this image above was done using natural light but was purposely set up to create a sereal scene it gives the inpression that there is 2 of me but  its really 2 images merged in one.

this image was done by setting my shutter speed to 30 seconds and taking the picture in the dark! once i pressed the capture button i had another student move a couple of different lights around my head ' this created a trail of light once the image came out .

in this image i was using a plain white backdrop and a soft box to give the picture less sharpness i also made this image black and white to give the image more texture.