Tuesday 5 March 2013

Studio Photography Production

In this project i had to produce a series of images that full utilise my ability to produce studio photography' this had ti be done showing my planned intentions and my creative intent.

I was told i had to do this project in a series of tasks!!!!


I had to produce a series of head shots of one person' These had to be done in high key/mid key/and low key within these keys i had to the individuals character that best suited the lighting

Here are my 3 images and how i did them.

High Key

This high key image above shows the subject laughing! The lighting in this image gives the impression of a very happy and bright mood and even more exaggerates the subjects laugh,

Here is the studio set up i used to create this image.

I put 2x soft boxes with flash ready behined the subject to help create whiteout on the white paper backdrop, i then put another flash infront and to the right of the subject to get a nice bright light on the her face

The settings i used on my camera was

F 5.6
ISO 100
1/60 of a second


The low key image above suggests a somber attitude on the subject! To match the character and help also create a even more somber atmosphere around her i created a very strong and tense shaddow wich i then casted over one side of the subjects face.

Here is the studio set up i used to create this image

I set up only one light with a snoot attached to it and directed a beam of light directly onto my subjects face,I then used a dark piece of card to create a very strong shadow on the left side of her face

My settings on my camera was 

ISO 100
1/125 of a second

In the mid key image below the subjects expressions suggest a less somber and almost positive attitude this was very easy to determine what type of lighting i needed to use!
i did a mid light and just and added just a little bit of shadow 

Here is the studio set up i used to create this image

Again i set up only one light with a small soft box attached to it i then used a black card but held it more away from the subject this helped me create a more even tone.

The settings i used on my camera was

ISO 100
1/125 of a second

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